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Around the Q - Rob Fleming - Principal
What a positive start to the year. I have been in and out of classes and out and about during duty over the last four weeks and the school is buzzing along beautifully. We had a very positive SLB Induction Assembly, and our students came together demonstrating a high level of respect for the speakers and each other on the day.
I look forward to once again working closely with the SLB this year as we strive to make Queechy an even better school during 2025.
We have begun this year with an absolute focus on Connection and Belonging for students, staff and our wider community. Connection and Belonging sits at the centre of our School Improvement Plan this year and is a key element of our strategies to improve student attendance.
We strive to support students to be here for more than 90% of the time with an aspirational goal of moving towards 95% over the next few years. This would translate to missing no more than one day per month.
This isn’t a goal we expect to happen without us working together to overcome some of the barriers young people and their families experience that prevent this level of attendance. There will be multiple opportunities to work with students and parents/carers to explore some of these barriers and develop strategies to minimise their impact during this year and into the future.
Our teaching and TA team have made a great start to the year with very high levels of engagement in class by students and evidence of well-planned, differentiated work that all students can access being seen across our whole school. I thank our staff for their ongoing commitment to sustained improvement and refinement of our teaching and learning resources over the last 5 years. The impact of this effort is visible in every class, every day.
Our school environment is looking even better this year and a big shout out to our grounds and cleaning staff who strive to make this space as attractive and inviting as possible, the results are obvious.
I look forward to meeting new parents to our school at the welcome BBQ next week and touching base with the many families I already know. Please make the time to join us for this event if you can.
Grade 8 students have begun the year with a unit on advertising. Students have started to explore different ways to advertise, advertising techniques – including ethos, pathos and logos and target markets.
To begin this unit, students were asked to work with a partner to invent a creative new stationery item and then pitch the idea to their classmates. Later in the unit, students will get the opportunity to create an advertising campaign for an item of their choice.
Kicking off this term in Humanities and Social Sciences (HaSS), our Grade 7 students have been diving into the fascinating world of history by exploring chronology and timelines. Students had the opportunity to reflect on key moments in their own lives and arrange them in chronological order on a timeline.
As we move further into the term, we are shifting our focus to early civilisations. Students will be introduced to the characteristics of early civilisations and the first great societies, exploring aspects such as culture, advancements and daily life.
Through engaging activities, discussions, and research projects, our young historians will have the chance to step back in time and explore the developments of early human societies. We look forward to an exciting term of discovery and critical thinking in HaSS!
Grade 8 Health and Physical Education:
Students Focus on Safety and Strategy in Health and PE
This term, students in Grade 8 Health and Physical Education have one lesson per week in Health and one lesson per week in Physical Education and so far this term the focus of each as been: Safety in health classes and Invasion games in PE. Both topics encourage critical thinking, teamwork, and a deeper understanding of how to stay safe while participating in physical activity.
Safety First in Health Classes
In their health lessons, students have been learning about the importance of safety in various settings, including sports, outdoor activities, and everyday life. Throughout this unit students will study topics such as injury prevention, risk assessment, and first aid skills, helping them develop the knowledge and confidence to respond to emergencies. Through interactive discussions and scenario-based learning, students are gaining valuable life skills that will keep them and others safe.
Developing Strategy and Teamwork in PE
Meanwhile, in Physical Education, students are putting their skills to the test through invasion games—team sports where players work together to attack and defend a goal or scoring area. These games, such as Flags, Basketball, Soccer, and Netball challenge students to think strategically, communicate effectively, and develop their movement skills. By participating in drills, small-sided games and full matches, students are improving their fitness while also learning the importance of teamwork, spatial awareness, and game tactics.
As the term progresses, students will continue to build on these essential skills, applying their safety knowledge to their PE lessons and refining their strategies in invasion games. We look forward to seeing their progress and enthusiasm throughout the term!
It has been a great start to the year with a calm feeling within the classes and all students engaged in their learning and associated activities.
Most notably, the Grade 7 students are excited to be doing science, using bunsen burners for practical experiments. Initially, they participated in familiarisation of equipment, working safely in the laboratory. A Chemistry unit will soon follow this, where they will learn about the scientific process, conducting, collecting and analysing data, and report writing.
Grade 8 classes have started with a unit in Biology focusing on cells and cell organelles, cell types. They will continue to look at the greater complexity of tissues, organ and systems in animals and plants.
Grade 9 students have been actively learning about homeostasis and its role in maintaining the internal environment as it relates to the human body. To this end they have been madly running around to increase respiration, heart rate and body temperature, taking measurements to see how the body responds.
Grade 10 students have also embarked on a big Chemistry unit. They are examining the Periodic Table of Elements and noting the trends found in the table. They use these trends to predict how chemicals will react to form either ionic or covalent compounds.
In Grade 7 Maths, Term 1 has started with students being introduced to the world of mathematics in High School. All classes have been introduced to their daily Numeracy Ninjas number practice as well as the whole school approach of Vertical Whiteboards and collaborative group work.
So far, students have studied the relationship between square numbers and square roots, and will continue to study key number concepts throughout this term, before moving onto the second unit of the year being measurement.
A Fantastic Start to the Year for Grade 11-12 at Queechy
The new school year has begun with great enthusiasm for our Grade 11 and 12 students at Queechy. We are thrilled to welcome many new enrolments across both grades, bringing fresh energy and excitement to our senior school community.
This year, students have the opportunity to explore a broader range of subjects, including Biology, Certificate II in Community Services, Sport Recreation and Fitness, English Inquiry, Working with Children, and Certificate I in Workplace Skills. These new offerings provide diverse pathways, ensuring students can engage in studies that align with their interests and future aspirations.
It has been inspiring to see how well students have adapted to their studies, showing dedication and a positive attitude from day one. Their commitment to learning and willingness to embrace new challenges have set a strong foundation for a successful year ahead.
We look forward to seeing our students thrive in 2025 and can’t wait to celebrate their achievements throughout the year!

Winds of Joy: A Sailing Adventure
A group of enthusiastic students set sail last Friday on an unforgettable adventure aboard the Kayle, a 54ft lyons grand prix offshore racing yacht. The excursion, part of the Winds of Joy program, allowed participants to not only enjoy the scenic beauty of the Derwent River but also get hands-on experience with sailing.
Guided by their experienced and supportive cabin crew, the students had the opportunity to steer the ship, adjust the sails, and learn the essential skills of navigation and teamwork. The Kayle, designed with accessibility in mind, ensured that every student, regardless of ability, could engage fully in the sailing experience.
Thank you to Mrs Bassett for organising the adventure, and to Mr Fleming, Miss Mackrill and Julieann for the day.

Name: Tahlia Sunol - Role at Queechy: Chaplain
What does your work as a chaplain involve?
Listening, talking, kindness and fun activities! Being a safe person for students to connect with who are in a crisis, need extra help or just need a friend to talk to. Helping students find meaning, connection, purpose and hope in difficult situations.
What types of support do you offer students/families?
Promoting wellbeing through social, emotional and spiritual support. Referrals to other support staff if needed.
What’s your super talent?
Pub trivia.
How to get in touch:
- Promotion of good health and wellbeing
- Vision and hearing screening
- Local, state and national health promotion initiatives
- Health education aligned with the Australian Curriculum. This includes healthy relationships, addictions and risk behaviours. Examples are: drug and alcohol, resilience and mental health, body esteem physical activity, and nutrition.
- Consulting with schools regarding the management of complex medical conditions.
- Supporting schools to address any medical issues that may be impacting learning.
- Drop-in clinics for senior secondary students to empower their health choices.
What types of support do you offer students / families?
1:1 or group interventions, presentation to students and staff and assist teachers in curriculum delivery
What’s your super talent?
Can slice a golf ball across two fairways
How to get in touch:
Name: Benfes (Ben) Taban - Role at Queechy: School Social Worker
What does your work as a School Social involve?
I help students access their academic potential, create safe and inclusive schools, remove barriers to learning, address systemic issues like discrimination and inequality, and advocate for students' right
What types of support do you offer students / families
As a school social worker, I provide 1:1 support to students. I also do group work with students to support with mental health, anxiety, friendship issues, referral to external support providers and any issues that a young person might be experiencing. I also provide support to parents around behaviour management. My work also includes doing home visits and liaising between school and home to support the learning of young people.
What’s your super talent?
My super talent is commitment and self-motivation, I stick to routine no matter how difficult or challenging it may seem. Like getting up every morning at 4:20am to get to the gym
How to get in touch:
What does your work as a school psychologist involve?
I’m still very new to Queechy, but I’d like my work to involve providing a safe space for students, so they feel comfortable, happy and welcome here.
What types of support do you offer students / families?
I can offer therapy to students who may be struggling with mental health concerns. This support is individualised, so would vary from student to student but it could include helping the student to gain insight into their mental health difficulties, providing students and families with psychoeducation, and helping students to build strategies to help with their overall well-being.
I also help complete cognitive assessments for students. We all learn and remember information in different ways, some people learn best through listening, others learn best through visual displays, and some prefer hands on experiences. We all have our different strengths and weaknesses, so my job is to figure out what they are and recommend some strategies that might help with your learning. If learning needs are identified, this assessment can ideally help students to access ongoing support.
What’s your super talent?
How to get in touch?
If you would like for your child to have an educational assessment, please contact Katrina Davenport (Assistant Principal) or your child’s grade leader on 6341 4455
MSP Photo Catch up Day:
Reminder that the photo catch up day is on Wednesday 26 March. First thing in the morning, 10.00am til 12.00pm, for those who missed the original day.
Validation, Immunisation, ICT forms:
If your child is yet to return these forms can you please have them returned as soon as possible. If not returned they will not be permitted to attend minor excursions or recieve their MSP photos until returned.
Collection of your child:
To avoid class disruption we please ask that students be collected during the below times when possible. Thank you.
Recess 1 - 10.10am - 10.30am
Recess 2 - 11.40am - 12.00pm
Lunch - 1.10pm - 1.50pm
The Queechy High School Association warmly welcomes all families and staff back to school for 2025. Our school association meet together twice per term on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
We would love to extend the invite to all new and existing families to attend our meetings. You can attend as an observer or become a member with voting rights. Attending school association meetings allows parents to feel engaged with their children’s school, as it creates a collaborative culture within the school.
Our first meeting this term will take place immediately after the welcome BBQ in week 5 on Wednesday 5th March at 7pm in the year 11/12 building (in front of the staff car park).
The second school association meeting will be in week 8 on Wednesday 26th March. The AGM will begin at 6:30 followed by the regular committee meeting at 7pm.
We would love to welcome many new families!
The Department of State Growth’s passenger conduct code for school bus services sets out the expected standards of behaviour for students when using a bus. It also provides guidance and processes for bus operators and drivers to follow.